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Writer's pictureRanae von Meding

Unsure if you have anxiety?

***This is a collaborative post.

During an anxiety attack the feeling is that it is never going to end and the body or mind will not be able to cope. Anxiety is a natural emergency response of the body to danger. Anxiety states are found in different forms and at different volumes and can cause a wide range of effects - from discomfort to my heart beating accelerated, tremor, sweating and dizziness.

Sometimes anxiety is an overreaction to a real situation and sometimes it produces a phobia that causes avoidance of various situations that are perceived as threatening. Anxiety can also attack following the very thought of the same situation or thing that is considered scary. There are spontaneous anxiety states that attack without any prior warning, and there are anxiety states that build up gradually in response to an encounter with the object of anxiety. In some situations, anxiety becomes an oppressive and extreme phenomenon that impairs the quality of life. Sometimes, it is best to look at a psychological assessment and you may want to look at Bluesky Psychology.

Anxiety disorders are divided into several catergories:

  1. Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD).

  2. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD).

  3. Panic Disorder.

  4. Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

  5. Social Anxiety Disorder.

  6. Simple / Specific Phobia.

What causes anxiety?

Anxiety disorders can develop from various causes, and it is not always possible to point to just one cause of the problem. It is common to think that anxiety stems from psychological factors (like personality), events that happened during life and lifestyle and also from physiological factors like heredity and chemical processes in the brain. What are the symptoms? Anxiety has both physiological manifestations. Physiological manifestations can include rapid heartbeat, muscle tension, dry mouth, sweating, nausea, diarrhea or gastrointestinal discomfort, cold, damp hands, difficulty swallowing. The psychological manifestations of anxiety can be paralysis, irritability, detachment from the self and even fear of insanity or death. It can be crippling for those suffering with it.

Where do I fit in?

It's estimated that between 5% and 10% of the population suffers from anxiety disorders of various intensities at any given moment. However it should be borne in mind that almost every person suffers from some anxiety disorder during his or her lifetime.

With professional care most people suffering from anxiety disorder can be helped. The speed with which the treatment helps varies from person to person. Some people will respond to treatment after a few weeks, while others will need a year or more. Sometimes the treatment is complex, because many times people suffer from several anxiety disorders at the same time or in addition to the anxiety they also suffer from other mental problems like depression. It is important to get the assistance you need. Anxiety disorders can be one-time, but can also recur. The direction of their development depends on the factor that provoked them and the treatment given to overcome them. For example: If an anxiety disorder appeared in response to a recurring one-off event, there is a good chance that it is a one-time response.


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